Assessor Forms

Easily find the form you are looking for below or visit the BOE Forms Website for all available BOE forms.

Form #Form NameLink
BOE-261-GClaim for Disabled Veterans' Property Tax ExemptionDownload
BOE-58-GReassessment Exclusion for Transfer from Grandparent to Grandchild FormDownload
AO-SE-724Homeowner's Exemption Removal RequestDownload
BOE-266Homeowners exemption formDownload
Welfare claim formsDownload
Assessment Appeal ApplicationDownload
BOE 64-SESClaim for solar energy system exclusionDownload
Public Info Agreement ContractDownload
Taxpayer AuthorizationDownload
AO-V 133dNew construction exclusionDownload
AO-VBA 550Vessel and Aircraft Assessment InformationDownload
AO-VBA 67Commercial Vessel Supplemental QuestionnaireDownload
BOE-260-BClaim for exemption from property taxes of aircraft of historical significanceDownload
AO-SD 634Change of Mailing AddressDownload
AO-V-365Application for Reassessment - Property Damaged By Misfortune or calamityDownload
BOE 571-LBusiness Property StatementDownload
AO-VRS 550cNotice of sale, transfer, or change of ownership of real estate of othersDownload
Assessor Parcel Map InstructionsDownload
AO-VRS 277Ag Preserve QuestionnaireDownload
BOE 571-AAgricultural Property StatementDownload
BOE 571-RApartment House Property StatementDownload
AO-V 666Request for combination of parcelsDownload
AO-V 271Informal Request For Decline In Value ReviewDownload
BOE-305-AGAgent AuthorizationDownload
BOE-577Aircraft Property StatementDownload
BOE-576-DVessel Property StatementDownload
AO-V-366Application for Property Tax Installment DeferralDownload